Clinical Breast Examination Vs Braster Pro: All You Need to Know

Breast health screening is a significant step that saves women from developing breast cancer. The healthcare community must understand, discuss, and highlight the importance of breast health screening as an important part of health development.
By prioritising screening, women should take proactive steps towards early detection so that the chances of treatment and survival can be increased. Early detection through regular screening by devices such as Braster Pro - AI-enabled breast Health Screening allows for prompt intervention and a better prognosis, highlighting the importance of prioritising screening as a key component of women’s health.
For a long time, gynaecologists have used clinical breast examination or CBE for detecting abnormalities in the breast. However, using Braster Pro comes as an effective step in the diagnosis because it is a tool that can screen the breast and detect even the smallest of abnormalities.
In this blog, we will see more about what is a clinical breast examination and how it can be replaced with methods such as contract thermography done by devices like Braster Pro for better screening of breasts. Keep reading to know more.
What is a Clinical Breast Examination?
Clinical breast examination or CBE has been used by gynecology professionals to detect abnormalities in the breast. CBE is a physical examination of the breast (by hand) performed by a health practitioner to check the breast health.
Very often, a CBE is performed by a healthcare provider well-trained in the technique of detecting abnormalities in the breast. This can be a doctor, a nurse, or other medical staff professionals. All healthcare professionals do not have this training.
A trained healthcare provider carefully sees and feels the breasts, underarms and the area below the clavicle for any changes including detecting a lump. The provider visually checks the breast while you are sitting up and examines the breasts when you are lying down.
What is Contact Thermography Done By Devices Like Braster Pro?
To make clinical breast examination a lot easier, contact thermography is a process that works on the contact of the device with the breast and uses an infrared camera that corresponds to the difference in physiological temperature between cancerous tumours and the surrounding healthy mammary gland.
The AI-Enabled Breast Health Screening done with Braster Pro is a trusted replacement for Clinical Breast Examination. Braster Pro can be used for screening any abnormalities in a few seconds. The effectiveness of CBE relies completely on the skills and experience of the healthcare practitioner whereas inexperienced examiners might miss subtle signs of breast cancer leading to false negatives. The AI-enabled features and step-by-step guided app of Braster Pro make it user-friendly and easy to use by all, including paramedics and reduce the learning curve exponentially.
Differences Between CBE and Braster Pro:
There are many differences between clinical breast examination and contact thermography done with devices such as Braster Pro. Let’s look at them in detail.
Dependence on Examiner’s Skills: The effectiveness of a clinical breast examination is largely dependent on the skills and experience of healthcare practitioners who are conducting the examination. If the professional is not experienced then they can easily miss subtle signs of breast cancer that may sometimes lead to false negatives.
On the other hand, the use of Braster Pro does not rely on the skills of the healthcare professionals. The AI-enabled features of Braster Pro make it simple to use. The device comes with a step-by-step guided app which is user-friendly and also very simple to use by all including the paramedics which reduces the learning curve exponentially.
False Results: There are many times when a CBE can result in false positive findings which also leads to unnecessary stress, additional tests, and potentially psychological stress for the patients as well.
Conversely, the screening done with devices such as Braster Pro is so precise that the results are never false. The patient only needs to go for further tests if there are any abnormalities shown in the tests otherwise, there is no stress.
High Sensitivity and Specificity: The practice of clinical breast examination is not so precise. It is very much possible to miss out on small problems and at times detect something that may not be a lump.
The use of contact thermography along with AI helps increase the specificity and sensitivity leading to a much higher accuracy than CBE. It detects small changes, up to 3 mm.
Not Suitable for Dense Breasts: Clinical breast examination is less effective in women who have dense breasts because it is comparatively difficult to detect abnormalities in the dense tissues.
On the other hand, this is not the case with contact thermography. No matter how dense the tissue may be, it is very easy to detect any problems in the breasts when it comes to contact thermography. Braster Pro is suitable for all breast types, making it an ideal choice for dense breast tissue patients. It can be used for all breast sizes and structures.
GenWorks Health emphasizes the importance of equitable access to screening services for empowering all women to prioritize their health and access the care they need. Promoting inclusivity and diversity in breast cancer screening initiatives ensures that all women have the opportunity to benefit from early screening and timely treatment.
If you are looking to elevate your clinical practice of breast health screening then start using Braster Pro at the earliest to produce a precise diagnosis. The results obtained from this diagnosis will allow you to know if the patient needs further assistance and tests or not.