EVA Redifining Women's Health

GenWorks is poised to launch an Israel based company’s innovative technique in Gynae care that is bound to touch the lives of millions of women in India. VisualCheck is an automated clinical decision support software which will be able to assess normal and abnormal findings in the screening of cervical cancer. Using a complex algorithm, VisualCheck predicts how highly trained colposcopes determine findings of the cervix.
According to David Levtiz, Co -Founder & Chief scientist at Mobile ODT “We set out to create smart medical solutions by combining the computational power of smart mobile devices with advanced imaging algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. The outcome promises to be a revolution in cervical cancer Screening.”
Mobile ODT’s The EVA System is an FDA-cleared and CE marked digital colposcope for enhanced visualization of the cervix
The company which was formerly called Mobile OCT is an Israel based start- up that develops optical diagnostic devices and software services designed for early cancer detection and a range of other medical purposes.
The Eva Visual Stethoscope, also called the colposcope with VisualCheck uses AI and evaluates the risk of cervical dysplasia at point of care and is hugely recommended for its quality images, its ability to record patient data and its ability to immediately make available results of tests conducted. Doctors would now be in a position to guide their patients better. Non -threatening, compact,mobile and non- invasive, it empowers practioners to quickly assess, diagnose, and monitor their patients for cervical abnormalities.
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in EVA
Artificial intelligence is able to detect precancerous and cancerous lesions based on digital images.It helps to compare the impressions taken with leading cervical cancer experts thereby wielding more trust in the diagnosis by providing the highest level of specialist opinion on the cervix under diagnosis.It has a safety net to reconfirm clinical impressions and tells when to re -examine a patient which makes for efficiency and ease for the doctor.
According to professionals at a machine learning screening camp in China“…this is the first utilization of real-time AI for patient management at the point of care... These results suggest that AI can provide an immediate answer that is mostly consistent with colposcopic impressions…”
The AI enabled System allows for easy note-taking, adding of annotations and clinical impressions at point of care. Being a screening test that is used globally Mobile ODT has ensured consistency in images by enhancing algorithms used for maximum efficiency. The quality of images remains uncompromised as only images that meet the quality criterion for assessment will be included which means all four quadrants of the cervix are visible, the cervix is in focus, it is well illuminated and no other artefacts obstruct the view. Following the cervical cancer evaluation, the images are automatically uploaded to the EVA portal and the patient’s case can be easily accessed. These can then be annotated and clinical impressions can be added which can be compared with the doctor’s initial evaluation too. All patient information is securely integrated to Electronic Medical records (EMR) system and can be recalled periodically.
The EVA VisualCheck Advantage
The World Health Organisation recommends a "See and Treat" approach. However the traditional Cervical exam does not reveal the early stages of cervical cancer, which if detected, has a 92%survival possibility. There was always a need for high resolution cameras and an expensive set up, making this screening limited to a handful of patients. Since it comes with an inbuilt smart phone ,the Mobile ODT’s EVA eliminates the use of multiple gadgets and its easy to set up system does away the need for an extra room for screening.
The gadget is therefore significant for our country with far its flung villages and for people who are deprived of quality healthcare facility. Some of its hallmarks are: High resolution image and video, ultra LED light source with glare-reduction, a quality frame for clear image capture. Being portable and with a battery that runs for approximately 24 hours at a stretch, it is just what Indian women need. The examination does not mandate that it be used by a doctor alone and this reduces stress on them. With the dependence on doctors for screening being eliminated, the scope of coverage increases. The screening can be done with no contact whatsoever. Moreover, the cervical evaluation is done using standard guidelines and thus ensures quality.
According to Dr Renuka Matti, a consultant Gynaecologist in Mumbai “we have used this device both in the main hospital, and for community screenings where we can simply carry it and conduct examinations. In cases where lesions were detected, we were able to show the patient what we were talking about like ectropion, cervicitis, and so on and it was easy to convince them to go for treatment wherever indicated.”
Need For the EVA VisulCheck in India
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide but India carries a major chunk of this cervical cancer burden and mortality due to late diagnosis with poor survival rates as a consequence.
In these changing times with additional focus on healthcare, we as a nation, will not make any headway in economic growth, development or education without taking women health into consideration.
Since the 1950s, developed countries have successfully used Pap smear and Colposcopy to detect pre and early cancer of the cervix. Timely diagnosis of cervical cancer at the pre-invasive stage has greatly reduced mortality rates in these countries
India, being a country still opening its eyes to the importance of healthcare, especially that of women needs the convenience that EVA affords with its portability, and high battery life, making it perfect for our villages and remote areas. It would enable the organization of camps for cervical screening with ease and provide immediate result.
The EVA VisualCheck is redefining cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment to bring about parity with developed countries. Women Technology is set for a revolution of sorts with the launch of this product. Like all AI supported gadgets, the data that is used to screen, annotate and classify information and provide directions for cure will herald a new era for women in the throes of Cervical Cancer.
Bringing AI Powered Cervical Cancer Screening To Women Everywhere