EVA - The Primary Diagnostic Tool For Gynaecological Practice

One of the main constraints associated with using colposcopy for diagnoses was the expense involved and that few gynaecologists had access to them. That is why EVA can bring about a fundamental change in the way gynaecologists approach visual examinations and conclusions.
The restriction of colposcopy, as a valid technique for evaluation of cervical lesions alone is partly due to the cumbersome process of installation and use of the bulky instrument along with the procedure being expensive.
The first colposcope was a fixed binocular instrument mounted on a tripod with a mirror that directed a light source. Since then, there has been a wide range of advances made to the traditional colposcope and EVA - today’s dynamic and portable colposcope offers a wide range of features that has greatly improved the functioning and capabilities of the colposcope.
These features facilitate the transformation of colposcopy from a selective secondary clinical diagnostic tool to a primary diagnostic tool to be used routinely during a standard gynaecological consultation by gynaecologists in their daily practice.
Cytological screening with a pap smear is the gold standard to screen for cervical cancer. If and when the pap smear result reveals an abnormality or is inconclusive, then a colposcopy examination of the cervix is used to aid a directed biopsy of the cervix. Therefore, colposcopy has long remained a secondary selective clinical diagnostic tool for confirmatory diagnosis and treatment of cervical lesions.
EVA For A Comprehensive Reproductive Health Routine
The EVA colposcope can be easily incorporated as the primary diagnostic tool into a routine pelvic examination by the gynaecologist as it allows complete visualisation and examination of the uterine cervix and lower genital tract under magnification.
A gynaecologist does a routine pelvic examination to look out for a variety of issues related to women’s reproductive health such as menstrual problems, conditions of pain in the pelvic area or lower back, pregnancy or infertility issues, urinary incontinence and bacterial or yeast infections of the lower genital tract such as cervicitis and vaginitis.
EVA COLPO Makes Real-Time Visualisation Possible During A Pelvic Examination
The portable EVA colpo facilitates the real-time display of high-resolution digital images and video of the cervix, vaginal walls, vulva and the entire lower genital tract to the patient at the time of examination. This allows the gynaecologist to educate the patient with a real-time discussion. Access to visuals of one’s own anatomy allows the patient an opportunity to understand, ask questions and feel more in control during the pelvic examination and increases the trust in the gynaecologist and decreases patient anxiety.
EVA Colpo Can Be Used To Detect A Range Of Benign Lesions
The portable and compact EVA colpo can be easily used during the speculum exam to detect a range of benign lesions and abnormalities such as keratosis, erosions and ulcers of the genital tract, cervicitis, vaginal atrophy, ectopy, deciduosis or pseudo polyps, endometriosis or endocervical polyps.
EVA Allows Directed Collection Of Smears For Increased Specificity And Sensitivity
EVA colpo allows accurate diagnosis of the various genital tract conditions and can be used to diagnose and collect smear samples for not only cervical cancer but also facilitates collection of cervical discharge samples for diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea, vaginal wet mount or a vaginal smear to test for bacterial or yeast infections that cause vaginitis and also to test for vulvitis which is the inflammation of the vulva.
Colposcopy During Pregnancy Made Safe With EVA
The use of EVA colpo makes colposcopy and directed biopsies safer to perform during pregnancy. EVA colpo is mobile and compact and its ease of set up and use allows diagnosis of patients for cervical cancer even in their third trimester of pregnancy. The ease of set up and 16x magnification allows for accurate and quick diagnosis that prevents supine hypertension in pregnant , makes the examination less intrusive and thereby reduces the occurrence of distress such as flushing, discomfort, nausea, even serious trauma etc in these patients in advanced stages of pregnancy.
EVA Facilitates Appropriate Clinical Response To Invasive Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy
EVA colpo with its high-quality optics, image and video capture makes expert colposcopic evaluation possible which plays a critical role in deciding the management and treatment options even for high grade lesions during pregnancy. Repeat colposcopies might be required at regular intervals before invasive cancer of the cervix gets detected.
Its robust software allows secure storage and transfer of data and its management online and facilitates easy documentation, addition of annotations and filters directly onto images and export of all data pertaining to the patient to the EMR of the hospital. This allows retrieval and comparative evaluation of the captured images between repeated colposcopies that aids timely and accurate decisions on better treatment options for invasive cancer during pregnancy..
EVA For Greater Patient Retention And Follow-Up
Lack of awareness is a big obstacle that prevents women taking up routine gynaecological exams that result in diseases becoming fatal which are otherwise treatable. The use of EVA colpo as a routine in daily practice by gynaecologists helps them to educate and make the patients understand the various medical options available and procedures they would have to undergo. EVA features efficient online data management and easy integration to the clinic’s EMR system that facilitates thorough documentation and quality assurance. The streamlined documentation of patient information reduces waiting time and precheck time spent by the patient before every consultation. This coupled with improved patient understanding of treatment options encourages the patients to respond to treatment requirements enthusiastically. Therefore, the regular use of EVA colpo in everyday gynaecological routine improves patient retention and reduces loss to follow-up.
EVA And Teleconsultation
The gynaecologists at the primary point of care can use the teleconsultation feature of EVA to securely share images and video with a remote specialist colleague. This allows the patient to get a specialist’s second opinion within the comfort of their known gynaecologist’s point of care and reduces additional appointments or referrals to tertiary care units that might add unnecessary anxiety and increasing waiting time for diagnosis and treatment.
EVA Is Integral For Women’s Health Routine.
EVA through its innovative technology empowers both the patient and the gynaecologist to address the medical conditions with a lot of confidence and is the go-to primary diagnostic tool for Obstetrics and Gynaecological practice.
Shrimant Burute
What’s the cost?
Shrimant Burute
What’s is the cost it EVA COLPO ?