Safe, Precise, and Effective
Patient Temperature Management
Patient Temperature Management

CritiCool® is a thermal regulating system indicated for maintaining pre-set body temperature as determined by a physician. The system is composed of two elements, the CritiCool device and the CureWrap™.
The CritiCool device functions as a control unit for use with the CureWrap. The control unit reads the patient’s core temperature through specific probes every 66 milliseconds and adjusts temperature as necessary in order to maintain the physician determined pre-set temperature settings.
The cooling/heating pump brings the water to the temperature set point and circulates it in a closed-loop system through the uniquely designed CureWrap.

Targeted Temperature Management
Has Never Been Easier
Set the desired temperature on the CritiCool device
Apply the CureWrap garment
Initiate fast cooling
Manage controlled rewarming


Accurate temperature control as set by the physician

Full-color, touch-screen display

Simple, easy to use interface with intuitive controls

Real-time monitoring and graphical display of temperature measurements

Quick and easy setup

Track data using the CliniLogger™